We are pleased to introduce the availability of some of our frequent forms being converted into online services. As you browse the "Undergraduate" tab you will see forms noted as "E-Submission". These forms no longer require you to complete a paper form and aid in expediting processing.
Note: Please ensure you are logged in to your email address before using an E-Submission form.
Transcripts, Grades, and Certifications
- Request for Certification (Please see our certification request page.)
- Credit Decline and Reinstatement (E-Submission)
- Credit By Exam (PDF)
- Request for Grade Report Mailer (PDF)
- Authorization for Third Party Pickup Must be completed by student. (PDF)
- Request for Incomplete Grade (PDF)
- Outside Provider Information Form (for use, as needed, with Withdrawal/Resignation or Academic Relief processes) (PDF)
- Request for Parent School Letter - Veterans Certification
In-State Residency for Tuition Purposes (Undergraduate Students)
Student Information / Privacy
- Request to Update Demographic Information (E-Submission) For current and former students with access to Hokie Spa.
- Request to Update Demographic Information (PDF) For mailed or emailed submission.
Senior Citizen Forms
Forms specific to graduate level students are managed by the Graduate School and may be found here.
- Visit our Academic Governance page for all related actions & information.
- Special Study Request (PDF)
- Documentation for Assignment of an Incomplete Grade (PDF)
- Obsolete Credit Rule Evaluation Record (PDF)
- Request for Faculty Credentials (Department Use) (PDF)
- Student Employee/Employee Confidentiality Agreement (PDF)
Updated information for federal investigators
Our office was closed to the public during the COVID 19 pandemic, and we waived the transcript fee for federal investigators. We have reopened to the public and will reinstate the transcript fee of $10.00 on August 2, 2021. We will no longer accept faxed requests for transcripts as of this date. Federal investigators are welcome to visit our office during office hours to request and pay for transcripts.
Our current office hours are M-F: 9am-12pm and 1pm-3pm
- Third Party Certification Request (PDF)
- Authorization for Third Party Pickup Must be completed by student. (PDF)