Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS)
Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS)
The Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) is a computer generated report for undergraduate and associate level students that matches the requirements of a degree program with a student's course work taken. The audit identifies those graduation requirements that are completed as well as those requirements that still need to be completed.
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Organization of a DARS Report
- Heading- Located at the top of the report; includes your name, student ID number, prepared date, and your graduation date. The degree, major, and option (if applicable) used in producing the report are also included in the heading.
- Status-There is a line that will indicate your degree status. The line will say one of the following:
- At Least One Requirement Has Not Been Satisfied
- All Requirements Completed-In Progress Courses Used
- All Requirements Identified Below Have Been Met
- Requirements - The DARS takes each of the requirements for the program (General Education, College, and Major) and divides them into requirement sets. Each block indicates a requirement set and contains a status indicator (NO - at least one requirement is not complete, IP - requirements completed with in-progress courses, or OK - all requirements met). The requirement will indicate what courses have been used to complete the requirements and what course(s) (if any) need to be taken to complete the requirement.
- Free electives - At the end of the report after all the requirements are listed is a block called free electives. This is where all other courses will appear that were not used to fulfill a specific requirement in the other areas on the DARS.
- Informational – There are multiple informational areas that may appear on a DARS. This includes course history, and useful links. Some students may also receive a notification regarding the repeat course policy. This is dependent on a student’s in-progress courses.