Majors and Codes
Disclaimer: this is a repository of Banner SIS codes and their descriptions. This is not a list of Virginia Tech's official program offerings. For approved program/degrees, go to SCHEV's Degree Inventory.
Degree Code | Degree | Major Code | Major |
AAG | Associate of Agriculture | AT | Agricultural Technology |
BA | Bachelor of Arts | ART | Art |
BA | Bachelor of Arts | CHEM | Chemistry |
BA | Bachelor of Arts | ECAS | Economics |
BA | Bachelor of Arts | HIST | History |
BA | Bachelor of Arts | MUS | Music |
BA | Bachelor of Arts | PHYS | Physics |
BA | Bachelor of Arts | PSCI | Political Science |
BACOM | Bachelor of Arts in Communication | ADV | Advertising |
BACOM | Bachelor of Arts in Communication | COMM | Communication |
BACOM | Bachelor of Arts in Communication | MJ | Multimedia Journalism |
BACOM | Bachelor of Arts in Communication | PR | Public Relations |
BACOM | Bachelor of Arts in Communication | SMA | Sports Media and Analytics |
BAEDS | Bachelor of Arts in Education in Secondary Education | ELAE | English Language Arts Education |
BAEDS | Bachelor of Arts in Education in Secondary Education | HSSE | History and Social Sciences Education |
BAENG | Bachelor of Arts in English | CW | Creative Writing |
BAENG | Bachelor of Arts in English | ENGL | English |
BAENG | Bachelor of Arts in English | PTW | Professional and Technical Writing |
BAENG | Bachelor of Arts in English | TSC | Technical and Scientific Communication |
BAFL | Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages | ARBC | Arabic |
BAFL | Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages | CLA | Classical Studies |
BAFL | Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages | FR | French |
BAFL | Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages | GER | German |
BAFL | Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages | RUS | Russian |
BAFL | Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages | SPAN | Spanish |
BAGEO | Bachelor of Arts in Geography | GEOG | Geography |
BAIS | Bachelor of Arts in International Studies | EDGE | Environment, Development, and Global Economy |
BAIS | Bachelor of Arts in International Studies | EUTS | European and Transatlantic Studies |
BAIS | Bachelor of Arts in International Studies | IPPL | International Public Policy |
BAIS | Bachelor of Arts in International Studies | IREL | International Relations |
BAIS | Bachelor of Arts in International Studies | IS | International Studies |
BAIS | Bachelor of Arts in International Studies | NSFA | National Security & Foreign Affairs |
BAPHI | Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy | PHIL | Philosophy |
BAPHI | Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy | PPE | Philosophy, Politics, and Economics |
BAPUA | Bachelor of Arts in Public and Urban Affairs | EPP | Environmental Policy and Planning |
BAPUA | Bachelor of Arts in Public and Urban Affairs | PUA | Public and Urban Affairs |
BAPUA | Bachelor of Arts in Public and Urban Affairs | SSC | Smart and Sustainable Cities |
BARCH | Bachelor of Architecture | ARCH | Architecture |
BARLC | Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Culture | HPS | Humanities for Public Service |
BARLC | Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Culture | RLCL | Religion and Culture |
BATA | Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts | TA | Theatre Arts |
BATA | Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts | TAC | Cinema |
BFA | Bachelor of Fine Arts | ART | Art |
BFA | Bachelor of Fine Arts | CTCH | Creative Technologies |
BFA | Bachelor of Fine Arts | GRAP | Graphic Design |
BFA | Bachelor of Fine Arts | STU | Studio Art |
BLA | Bachelor of Landscape Architecture | LAR | Landscape Architecture |
BS | Bachelor of Science | AAEC | Agricultural and Applied Economics |
BS | Bachelor of Science | AGRB | Agribusiness |
BS | Bachelor of Science | AGSC | Agricultural Sciences |
BS | Bachelor of Science | APSC | Animal and Poultry Sciences |
BS | Bachelor of Science | BC | Building Construction |
BS | Bachelor of Science | BCHM | Biochemistry |
BS | Bachelor of Science | BIOC | Biochemistry |
BS | Bachelor of Science | BIOL | Biological Sciences |
BS | Bachelor of Science | CSES | Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences |
BS | Bachelor of Science | CSS | Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences |
BS | Bachelor of Science | DASC | Dairy Science |
BS | Bachelor of Science | ETE | Engineering Technology, Electrical |
BS | Bachelor of Science | FOR | Forestry |
BS | Bachelor of Science | FST | Food Science and Technology |
BS | Bachelor of Science | GEOP | Geophysics |
BS | Bachelor of Science | GEOS | Geosciences |
BS | Bachelor of Science | HNFE | Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise |
BS | Bachelor of Science | HORT | Horticulture |
BS | Bachelor of Science | ITDS | Interior Design |
BS | Bachelor of Science | MATH | Mathematics |
BS | Bachelor of Science | MTRG | Meteorology |
BS | Bachelor of Science | PHYS | Physics |
BS | Bachelor of Science | PSYC | Psychology |
BS | Bachelor of Science | STAT | Statistics |
BSAEM | Bachelor of Science Applied Economic Management | CED | Community Economic Development |
BSAEM | Bachelor of Science Applied Economic Management | EEMP | Environmental Economics: Management and Policy |
BSAEM | Bachelor of Science Applied Economic Management | FHSE | Food and Health Systems Economics |
BSAEM | Bachelor of Science Applied Economic Management | ITD | International Trade and Development |
BSAGS | Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Sciences | AEE | Agricultural and Extension Education |
BSAGS | Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Sciences | CLD | Community Leadership and Development |
BSAOE | Bachelor of Science in Aerospace and Ocean Engineering | AE | Aerospace Engineering |
BSAOE | Bachelor of Science in Aerospace and Ocean Engineering | OE | Ocean Engineering |
BSARM | Bachelor of Science in Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management | CONS | Consumer Studies |
BSARM | Bachelor of Science in Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management | FMD | Fashion Merchandising and Design |
BSARM | Bachelor of Science in Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management | PM | Property Management |
BSARM | Bachelor of Science in Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management | RED | Residential Environments and Design |
BSBME | Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering | BMES | Biomedical Engineering |
BSBSE | Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering | BSE | Biological Systems Engineering |
BSBSE | Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering | ECOE | Ecological Engineering |
BSBUA | Bachelor of Science in Business in Accounting & Information Systems | ABA | Accounting & Business Analysis |
BSBUA | Bachelor of Science in Business in Accounting & Information Systems | ACIS | Accounting and Information Systems |
BSBUB | Bachelor of Science in Business in Business Information Technology | BIT | Business Information Technology |
BSBUB | Bachelor of Science in Business in Business Information Technology | CMA | Cybersecurity Management and Analytics |
BSBUF | Bachelor of Science in Business in Finance | CFPF | Financial Planning and Wealth Management |
BSBUF | Bachelor of Science in Business in Finance | FBDA | FinTech and Big Data Analytics |
BSBUF | Bachelor of Science in Business in Finance | FIN | Finance |
BSBUF | Bachelor of Science in Business in Finance | FREL | Finance and Real Estate |
BSBUF | Bachelor of Science in Business in Finance | RESF | Real Estate Finance |
BSBUH | Bachelor of Science in Business in Hospitality and Tourism Management | EEMG | Event & Experience Management |
BSBUH | Bachelor of Science in Business in Hospitality and Tourism Management | HTM | Hospitality and Tourism Management |
BSBUM | Bachelor of Science in Business in Management | EIT | Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Technology Management |
BSBUM | Bachelor of Science in Business in Management | MCA | Management Consulting and Analytics |
BSBUM | Bachelor of Science in Business in Management | MGT | Management |
BSBUM | Bachelor of Science in Business in Management | MHR | Human Resource Management |
BSBUS | Bachelor of Science in Business | BIT | Business Information Technology |
BSBUS | Bachelor of Science in Business | FIN | Finance |
BSBUS | Bachelor of Science in Business | MGT | Management |
BSBUS | Bachelor of Science in Business | MKTG | Marketing Management |
BSCE | Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering | CE | Civil Engineering |
BSCE | Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering | CEEN | Civil Engineering |
BSCE | Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering | EENG | Environmental Engineering |
BSCEM | Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering Management | CEM | Construction Engineering and Management |
BSCEM | Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering Management | CESL | Construction Safety Leadership |
BSCHE | Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering | CHE | Chemical Engineering |
BSCHM | Bachelor of Science in Chemistry | CHEM | Chemistry |
BSCHM | Bachelor of Science in Chemistry | MDCH | Medicinal Chemistry |
BSCHM | Bachelor of Science in Chemistry | POLY | Polymer Chemistry |
BSCMD | Bachelor of Science in Computational Modeling and Data Analytics | CMDA | Computational Modeling and Data Analytics |
BSCPE | Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering | CPE | Computer Engineering |
BSCPE | Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering | CPI | Chip-Scale Integration |
BSCPE | Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering | CRA | Controls, Robotics & Autonomy |
BSCPE | Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering | MCHL | Machine Learning |
BSCPE | Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering | NWCS | Networking & Cybersecurity |
BSCPE | Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering | SFTW | Software Systems |
BSCS | Bachelor of Science in Computer Science | CS | Computer Science |
BSCS | Bachelor of Science in Computer Science | DCC | Data-Centric Computing |
BSCS | Bachelor of Science in Computer Science | SC | Secure Computing |
BSEDE | Bachelor of Science in Education in Elementary Education | ELE | Elementary Education (PK-6) |
BSEDS | Bachelor of Science in Education in Secondary Education | AGIE | Career and Technical Education – Agricultural Education |
BSEDS | Bachelor of Science in Education in Secondary Education | CTED | Career and Technical Education |
BSEDS | Bachelor of Science in Education in Secondary Education | MTHE | Mathematics Education |
BSEDS | Bachelor of Science in Education in Secondary Education | TCHE | Technology Education |
BSEE | Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering | APEL | Applied Electromagnetics |
BSEE | Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering | CMNW | Communications & Networking |
BSEE | Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering | ECRA | Controls, Robotics & Autonomy |
BSEE | Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering | EE | Electrical Engineering |
BSEE | Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering | ERES | Energy & Power Electronics Systems |
BSEE | Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering | MNSY | Micro/Nano Systems |
BSEE | Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering | PHTN | Photonics |
BSEE | Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering | RFMW | Radio Frequency & Microwave |
BSEE | Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering | SPCS | Space Systems |
BSEE | Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering | WCSP | Wireless Communications and Signal Processing |
BSENS | Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science | ENSC | Environmental Science |
BSENS | Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science | ER | Ecological Restoration |
BSFRC | Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation | ECS | Environmental Conservation & Society |
BSFRC | Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation | EDS | Environmental Data Science |
BSFRC | Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation | ERM | Environmental Resources Management |
BSFRC | Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation | FORS | Forestry |
BSFRC | Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation | ||
BSFWC | Bachelor of Science in Fish and Wildlife Conservation | FISC | Fish Conservation |
BSFWC | Bachelor of Science in Fish and Wildlife Conservation | WLC | Wildlife Conservation |
BSHD | Bachelor of Science in Human Development | CPED | Childhood Pre-Education |
BSHD | Bachelor of Science in Human Development | ECDE | Early Childhood Development and Education |
BSHD | Bachelor of Science in Human Development | HD | Human Development |
BSHNF | Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise | EAHS | Exercise and Health Sciences |
BSHNF | Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise | NAD | Nutrition and Dietetics |
BSHRT | Bachelor of Science in Horticulture | ||
BSHRT | Bachelor of Science in Horticulture | ||
BSIDS | Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design | IDS | Industrial Design |
BSISE | Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering | ISE | Industrial and Systems Engineering |
BSME | Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering | AUTE | Automotive Engineering |
BSME | Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering | ME | Mechanical Engineering |
BSME | Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering | RBMT | Robotics and Mechatronics |
BSMIC | Bachelor of Science in Microbiology | MICB | Microbiology |
BSMNE | Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering | MINE | Mining Engineering |
BSMSE | Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering | MSE | Materials Science and Engineering |
BSNAN | Bachelor of Science in Nanoscience | NANO | Nanoscience |
BSNAN | Bachelor of Science in Nanoscience | NMED | Nanomedicine |
BSNEU | Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience | CBNU | Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience |
BSNEU | Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience | CNEU | Clinical Neuroscience |
BSNEU | Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience | CSNU | Computational and Systems Neuroscience |
BSNEU | Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience | EXPN | Experimental Neuroscience |
BSNEU | Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience | NEUR | Neuroscience |
BSPH | Bachelor of Science in Public Health | PH | Public Health |
BSPLS | Bachelor of Science in Plant Science | CSSC | Crop and Soil Sciences |
BSPLS | Bachelor of Science in Plant Science | EVHT | Environmental Horticulture |
BSPLS | Bachelor of Science in Plant Science | IAT | Integrated Agriculture Technologies |
BSPLS | Bachelor of Science in Plant Science | LTS | Landscape Design and Turfgrass Science |
BSPLS | Bachelor of Science in Plant Science | PLSC | Plant Science |
BSPSD | Bachelor of Science in Packaging Systems and Design | PSD | Packaging Systems and Design |
BSRST | Bachelor of Science in Real Estate | CDI | Commercial Development and Investment |
BSRST | Bachelor of Science in Real Estate | RDI | Residential Development and Investment |
BSRST | Bachelor of Science in Real Estate | REAL | Real Estate |
BSRST | Bachelor of Science in Real Estate | RELC | Real Estate for Commercial Properties |
BSRST | Bachelor of Science in Real Estate | RELR | Real Estate for Residential Properties |
BSSB | Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Biomaterials | SBIO | Sustainable Biomaterials |
BSSOC | Bachelor of Science in Sociology | CRI | Criminology |
BSSOC | Bachelor of Science in Sociology | SOC | Sociology |
BSSYS | Bachelor of Science in Systems Biology | SYSB | Systems Biology |
BSWTR | Bachelor of Science in Water: Resources, Policy, and Management | WRPM | Water: Resources, Policy, and Management |
CAGS | Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies | AAEC | Agricultural and Applied Economics |
CAGS | Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies | EDAC | Adult and Continuing Education |
CAGS | Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies | EDAD | Educational Administration |
CAGS | Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies | EDCI | Curriculum and Instruction |
CAGS | Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies | EDSP | Student Personnel Services |
CAGS | Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies | ELPS | Educational Leadership and Policy Studies |
CAGS | Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies | PAPA | Public Administration/Public Affairs |
CAGS | Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies | ||
CAGS | Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies | ||
DEDP | Doctor of Environmental Design and Planning | EDP | Environmental Design and Planning |
DVM | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine | VM | Veterinary Medicine |
EDD | Doctor of Education | EDAC | Adult and Continuing Education |
EDD | Doctor of Education | EDAD | Educational Administration |
EDD | Doctor of Education | EDCI | Curriculum and Instruction |
EDD | Doctor of Education | EDCO | Counselor Education |
EDD | Doctor of Education | EDSP | Student Personnel Services |
EDD | Doctor of Education | ELPS | Educational Leadership and Policy Studies |
EDD | Doctor of Education | ||
EDD | Doctor of Education | ||
EDS | Education Specialist | EDAD | Educational Administration |
EDS | Education Specialist | EDCI | Curriculum and Instruction |
EDS | Education Specialist | EDCO | Counselor Education |
EDS | Education Specialist | EDCT | Career and Technical Education |
EDS | Education Specialist | EDPE | Health and Physical Education |
EDS | Education Specialist | EDSP | Student Personnel Services |
EDS | Education Specialist | ELPS | Educational Leadership and Policy Studies |
EDS | Education Specialist | ||
MA | Master of Arts | ART | Art |
MA | Master of Arts | ECAS | Economics |
MA | Master of Arts | ECON | Economics |
MA | Master of Arts | ENGL | English |
MA | Master of Arts | FLCL | Foreign Languages, Cultures, and Literatures |
MA | Master of Arts | HIST | History |
MA | Master of Arts | MCP | Material Culture and Public Humanities |
MA | Master of Arts | PHIL | Philosophy |
MA | Master of Arts | PSCI | Political Science |
MACIS | Master of Accounting and Information Systems | ACIS | Accounting and Information Systems |
MACOM | Master of Arts in Communication | COMN | Communication |
MACOM | Master of Arts in Communication | RPTM | Reputation Management |
MADAS | Master of Arts in Data Analysis and Applied Statistics | DAAS | Data Analysis and Applied Statistics |
MAED | Master of Arts in Education | EDAC | Adult and Continuing Education |
MAED | Master of Arts in Education | EDAD | Educational Administration |
MAED | Master of Arts in Education | EDCI | Curriculum and Instruction |
MAED | Master of Arts in Education | EDCO | Counselor Education |
MAED | Master of Arts in Education | EDCT | Career and Technical Education |
MAED | Master of Arts in Education | EDPE | Health and Physical Education |
MAED | Master of Arts in Education | EDSP | Student Personnel Services |
MAED | Master of Arts in Education | ELPS | Educational Leadership and Policy Studies |
MAED | Master of Arts in Education | HED | Higher Education and Student Affairs |
MARCH | Master of Architecture | ARCG | Architecture |
MBA | Master of Business Administration | BAD | Business Administration |
MEA | Master of Engineering Administration | ISE | Industrial and Systems Engineering |
MENG | Master of Engineering | AE | Aerospace Engineering |
MENG | Master of Engineering | BSE | Biological Systems Engineering |
MENG | Master of Engineering | CE | Civil Engineering |
MENG | Master of Engineering | CHE | Chemical Engineering |
MENG | Master of Engineering | CPE | Computer Engineering |
MENG | Master of Engineering | CSA | Computer Science and Applications |
MENG | Master of Engineering | EE | Electrical Engineering |
MENG | Master of Engineering | EM | Engineering Mechanics |
MENG | Master of Engineering | ENE | Environmental Engineering |
MENG | Master of Engineering | ISE | Industrial and Systems Engineering |
MENG | Master of Engineering | ME | Mechanical Engineering |
MENG | Master of Engineering | SYSE | Systems Engineering |
MF | Master of Forestry | FOR | Forestry |
MF | Master of Forestry | FPR | Forest Products |
MFA | Master of Fine Arts | CTEC | Creative Technologies |
MFA | Master of Fine Arts | ENCW | Creative Writing |
MFA | Master of Fine Arts | TA | Theatre Arts |
MIAE | Master of Information Security Assurance | IAE | Information Security Assurance |
MIT | Master of Information Technology | IT | Information Technology |
MLA | Master of Landscape Architecture | LAR | Landscape Architecture |
MNR | Master of Natural Resources | MNR | Natural Resources |
MPA | Master of Public Administration | PAPA | Public Administration/Public Affairs |
MPH | Master of Public Health | PH | Public Health |
MPIA | Master of Public and International Affairs | PIA | Public and International Affairs |
MPIA | Master of Public and International Affairs | URBA | Urban Affairs |
MS | Master of Science | AAEC | Agricultural and Applied Economics |
MS | Master of Science | AE | Aerospace Engineering |
MS | Master of Science | ALS | Agricultural and Life Sciences |
MS | Master of Science | APSC | Animal and Poultry Sciences |
MS | Master of Science | ARCG | Architecture |
MS | Master of Science | BAD | Business Administration |
MS | Master of Science | BCSM | Building/Construction Science and Management |
MS | Master of Science | BIOL | Biological Sciences |
MS | Master of Science | BMES | Biomedical Engineering |
MS | Master of Science | BMVS | Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences |
MS | Master of Science | BSE | Biological Systems Engineering |
MS | Master of Science | CE | Civil Engineering |
MS | Master of Science | CHE | Chemical Engineering |
MS | Master of Science | CHEM | Chemistry |
MS | Master of Science | CPE | Computer Engineering |
MS | Master of Science | CSA | Computer Science and Applications |
MS | Master of Science | CSES | Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences |
MS | Master of Science | EDCH | Community Health Education |
MS | Master of Science | EE | Electrical Engineering |
MS | Master of Science | EM | Engineering Mechanics |
MS | Master of Science | ENE | Environmental Engineering |
MS | Master of Science | ESEN | Environmental Sciences and Engineering |
MS | Master of Science | FIW | Fisheries and Wildlife |
MS | Master of Science | FOR | Forestry |
MS | Master of Science | FPR | Forest Products |
MS | Master of Science | GEOG | Geography |
MS | Master of Science | GEOP | Geophysics |
MS | Master of Science | GEOS | Geosciences |
MS | Master of Science | HD | Human Development |
MS | Master of Science | HNFE | Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise |
MS | Master of Science | HTM | Hospitality and Tourism Management |
MS | Master of Science | ISE | Industrial and Systems Engineering |
MS | Master of Science | MACR | Macromolecular Science and Engineering |
MS | Master of Science | MATH | Mathematics |
MS | Master of Science | ME | Mechanical Engineering |
MS | Master of Science | MINE | Mining Engineering |
MS | Master of Science | MSE | Materials Science and Engineering |
MS | Master of Science | OCE | Ocean Engineering |
MS | Master of Science | OE | Ocean Engineering |
MS | Master of Science | PHYS | Physics |
MS | Master of Science | PSYC | Psychology |
MS | Master of Science | SOC | Sociology |
MS | Master of Science | STAT | Statistics |
MS | Master of Science | STS | Science and Technology Studies |
MS | Master of Science | SYSE | Systems Engineering |
MS | Master of Science | TBMH | Translational Biology, Medicine and Health |
MSED | Master of Science in Education | EDAC | Adult and Continuing Education |
MSED | Master of Science in Education | EDCT | Career and Technical Education |
MSED | Master of Science in Education | EDPE | Health and Physical Education |
MSLFS | Master of Science in Life Sciences | AEE | Agricultural and Extension Education |
MSLFS | Master of Science in Life Sciences | BCHM | Biochemistry |
MSLFS | Master of Science in Life Sciences | DASC | Dairy Science |
MSLFS | Master of Science in Life Sciences | ENT | Entomology |
MSLFS | Master of Science in Life Sciences | FST | Food Science and Technology |
MSLFS | Master of Science in Life Sciences | HORT | Horticulture |
MSLFS | Master of Science in Life Sciences | PPWS | Plant Pathology, Physiology and Weed Science |
MSND | Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics | ND | Nutrition and Dietetics |
MURPL | Master of Urban and Regional Planning | URPL | Urban and Regional Planning |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | AAEC | Agricultural and Applied Economics |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | ADR | Architecture and Design Research |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | AE | Aerospace Engineering |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | ANSD | Animal Sciences, Dairy |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | ANSP | Animal Sciences, Poultry |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | APSC | Animal and Poultry Sciences |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | ASPT | Social, Political, Ethical, and Cultural Thought |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | BBIT | Business, Business Information Technology |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | BCHM | Biochemistry |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | BFIN | Business, Finance |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | BHTM | Business, Hospitality and Tourism Management |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | BIOL | Biological Sciences |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | BMES | Biomedical Engineering |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | BMGT | Business, Management |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | BMKT | Business, Marketing |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | BMVS | Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | BSE | Biological Systems Engineering |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | BXBR | Business, Executive Business Research |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | CE | Civil Engineering |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | CHE | Chemical Engineering |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | CHEM | Chemistry |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | CPE | Computer Engineering |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | CSA | Computer Science and Applications |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | CSES | Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | DASC | Dairy Science |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | ECON | Economics |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | ECSG | Economics, Science |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | EDAC | Adult and Continuing Education |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | EDAD | Educational Administration |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | EDCI | Curriculum and Instruction |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | EDCO | Counselor Education |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | EDP | Environmental Design and Planning |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | EDRE | Educational Research and Evaluation |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | EDSP | Student Personnel Services |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | EE | Electrical Engineering |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | ELPS | Educational Leadership and Policy Studies |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | EM | Engineering Mechanics |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | ENGE | Engineering Education |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | ENT | Entomology |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | ESEN | Environmental Sciences and Engineering |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | FIW | Fisheries and Wildlife |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | FOR | Forestry |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | FPR | Forest Products |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | GAEA | Geospatial and Environmental Analysis |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | GBUA | Business, Accounting and Information Systems |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | GEOP | Geophysics |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | GEOS | Geosciences |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | HD | Human Development |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | HGED | Higher Education |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | HNFE | Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | HORT | Horticulture |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | HTM | Hospitality and Tourism Management |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | IPHD | Individual Interdisciplinary PhD |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | ISE | Industrial and Systems Engineering |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | LSAE | Agricultural and Extension Education |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | MACR | Macromolecular Science and Engineering |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | MATH | Mathematics |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | ME | Mechanical Engineering |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | MECE | Materials Engineering Science, Chemical Engineering |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | MECH | Materials Engineering Science, Chemistry |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | MECS | Materials Engineering Science, Computer Science |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | MEEE | Materials Engineering Science, Electrical Engieering |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | MEFP | Materials Engineering Science, Forest Products |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | MEFR | Materials Engineering Science, Forestry |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | MEGS | Materials Engineering Sciences, Geological Sciences |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | MEME | Materials Engineering Science, Mechanical Engineering |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | MEMI | Materials Engineering Science, Mining Engineering |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | MEMS | Materials Engineering Science, Materials Science and Engineering |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | MESC | Materials Engineering Science |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | MINE | Mining Engineering |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | NEUR | Neuroscience |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | PAPA | Public Administration/Public Affairs |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | PGG | Planning, Governance, and Globalization |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | PHYS | Physics |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | PPWS | Plant Pathology, Physiology and Weed Science |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | PSYC | Psychology |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | RW | Rhetoric and Writing |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | SOC | Sociology |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | STAT | Statistics |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | STS | Science and Technology Studies |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy | TBMH | Translational Biology, Medicine and Health |