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Majors and Codes

Disclaimer: this is a repository of Banner SIS codes and their descriptions. This is not a list of Virginia Tech's official program offerings. For approved program/degrees, go to SCHEV's Degree Inventory

Degree Code Degree Major Code Major
AAG Associate of Agriculture AT Agricultural Technology
BA Bachelor of Arts ART Art
BA Bachelor of Arts CHEM Chemistry
BA Bachelor of Arts ECAS Economics
BA Bachelor of Arts HIST History
BA Bachelor of Arts MUS Music
BA Bachelor of Arts PHYS Physics
BA Bachelor of Arts PSCI Political Science
BACOM Bachelor of Arts in Communication ADV Advertising
BACOM Bachelor of Arts in Communication COMM Communication
BACOM Bachelor of Arts in Communication MJ Multimedia Journalism
BACOM Bachelor of Arts in Communication PR Public Relations
BACOM Bachelor of Arts in Communication SMA Sports Media and Analytics
BAEDS Bachelor of Arts in Education in Secondary Education ELAE English Language Arts Education
BAEDS Bachelor of Arts in Education in Secondary Education HSSE History and Social Sciences Education
BAENG Bachelor of Arts in English CW Creative Writing
BAENG Bachelor of Arts in English ENGL English
BAENG Bachelor of Arts in English PTW Professional and Technical Writing
BAENG Bachelor of Arts in English TSC Technical and Scientific Communication
BAFL Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages ARBC Arabic
BAFL Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages CLA Classical Studies
BAFL Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages FR French
BAFL Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages GER German
BAFL Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages RUS Russian
BAFL Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages SPAN Spanish
BAGEO Bachelor of Arts in Geography GEOG Geography
BAIS Bachelor of Arts in International Studies EDGE Environment, Development, and Global Economy
BAIS Bachelor of Arts in International Studies EUTS European and Transatlantic Studies
BAIS Bachelor of Arts in International Studies IPPL International Public Policy
BAIS Bachelor of Arts in International Studies IREL International Relations
BAIS Bachelor of Arts in International Studies IS International Studies
BAIS Bachelor of Arts in International Studies NSFA National Security & Foreign Affairs
BAPHI Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy PHIL Philosophy
BAPHI Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy PPE Philosophy, Politics, and Economics
BAPUA Bachelor of Arts in Public and Urban Affairs EPP Environmental Policy and Planning
BAPUA Bachelor of Arts in Public and Urban Affairs PUA Public and Urban Affairs
BAPUA Bachelor of Arts in Public and Urban Affairs SSC Smart and Sustainable Cities
BARCH Bachelor of Architecture ARCH Architecture
BARLC Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Culture HPS Humanities for Public Service
BARLC Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Culture RLCL Religion and Culture
BATA Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts TA Theatre Arts
BATA Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts TAC Cinema
BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts ART Art
BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts CTCH Creative Technologies
BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts GRAP Graphic Design
BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts STU Studio Art
BLA Bachelor of Landscape Architecture LAR Landscape Architecture
BS Bachelor of Science AAEC Agricultural and Applied Economics
BS Bachelor of Science AGRB Agribusiness
BS Bachelor of Science AGSC Agricultural Sciences
BS Bachelor of Science APSC Animal and Poultry Sciences
BS Bachelor of Science BC Building Construction
BS Bachelor of Science BCHM Biochemistry
BS Bachelor of Science BIOC Biochemistry
BS Bachelor of Science BIOL Biological Sciences
BS Bachelor of Science CSES Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences
BS Bachelor of Science CSS Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences
BS Bachelor of Science DASC Dairy Science
BS Bachelor of Science ETE Engineering Technology, Electrical
BS Bachelor of Science FOR Forestry
BS Bachelor of Science FST Food Science and Technology
BS Bachelor of Science GEOP Geophysics
BS Bachelor of Science GEOS Geosciences
BS Bachelor of Science HNFE Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise
BS Bachelor of Science HORT Horticulture
BS Bachelor of Science ITDS Interior Design
BS Bachelor of Science MATH Mathematics
BS Bachelor of Science MTRG Meteorology
BS Bachelor of Science PHYS Physics
BS Bachelor of Science PSYC Psychology
BS Bachelor of Science STAT Statistics
BSAEM Bachelor of Science Applied Economic Management CED Community Economic Development
BSAEM Bachelor of Science Applied Economic Management EEMP Environmental Economics: Management and Policy
BSAEM Bachelor of Science Applied Economic Management FHSE Food and Health Systems Economics
BSAEM Bachelor of Science Applied Economic Management ITD International Trade and Development
BSAGS Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Sciences AEE Agricultural and Extension Education
BSAGS Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Sciences CLD Community Leadership and Development
BSAOE Bachelor of Science in Aerospace and Ocean Engineering AE Aerospace Engineering
BSAOE Bachelor of Science in Aerospace and Ocean Engineering OE Ocean Engineering
BSARM Bachelor of Science in Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management CONS Consumer Studies
BSARM Bachelor of Science in Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management FMD Fashion Merchandising and Design
BSARM Bachelor of Science in Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management PM Property Management
BSARM Bachelor of Science in Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management RED Residential Environments and Design
BSBME Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering BMES Biomedical Engineering
BSBSE Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering BSE Biological Systems Engineering
BSBSE Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering ECOE Ecological Engineering
BSBUA Bachelor of Science in Business in Accounting & Information Systems ABA Accounting & Business Analysis
BSBUA Bachelor of Science in Business in Accounting & Information Systems ACIS Accounting and Information Systems
BSBUB Bachelor of Science in Business in Business Information Technology BIT Business Information Technology
BSBUB Bachelor of Science in Business in Business Information Technology CMA Cybersecurity Management and Analytics
BSBUF Bachelor of Science in Business in Finance CFPF Financial Planning and Wealth Management
BSBUF Bachelor of Science in Business in Finance FBDA FinTech and Big Data Analytics
BSBUF Bachelor of Science in Business in Finance FIN Finance
BSBUF Bachelor of Science in Business in Finance FREL Finance and Real Estate
BSBUF Bachelor of Science in Business in Finance RESF Real Estate Finance
BSBUH Bachelor of Science in Business in Hospitality and Tourism Management EEMG Event & Experience Management
BSBUH Bachelor of Science in Business in Hospitality and Tourism Management HTM Hospitality and Tourism Management
BSBUM Bachelor of Science in Business in Management EIT Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Technology Management
BSBUM Bachelor of Science in Business in Management MCA Management Consulting and Analytics
BSBUM Bachelor of Science in Business in Management MGT Management
BSBUM Bachelor of Science in Business in Management MHR Human Resource Management
BSBUS Bachelor of Science in Business BIT Business Information Technology
BSBUS Bachelor of Science in Business FIN Finance
BSBUS Bachelor of Science in Business MGT Management
BSBUS Bachelor of Science in Business MKTG Marketing Management
BSCE Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering CE Civil Engineering
BSCE Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering CEEN Civil Engineering
BSCE Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering EENG Environmental Engineering
BSCEM Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering Management CEM Construction Engineering and Management
BSCEM Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering Management CESL Construction Safety Leadership
BSCHE Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering CHE Chemical Engineering
BSCHM Bachelor of Science in Chemistry CHEM Chemistry
BSCHM Bachelor of Science in Chemistry MDCH Medicinal Chemistry
BSCHM Bachelor of Science in Chemistry POLY Polymer Chemistry
BSCMD Bachelor of Science in Computational Modeling and Data Analytics CMDA Computational Modeling and Data Analytics
BSCPE Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering CPE Computer Engineering
BSCPE Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering CPI Chip-Scale Integration
BSCPE Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering CRA Controls, Robotics & Autonomy
BSCPE Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering MCHL Machine Learning
BSCPE Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering NWCS Networking & Cybersecurity
BSCPE Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering SFTW Software Systems
BSCS Bachelor of Science in Computer Science CS Computer Science
BSCS Bachelor of Science in Computer Science DCC Data-Centric Computing
BSCS Bachelor of Science in Computer Science SC Secure Computing
BSEDE Bachelor of Science in Education in Elementary Education ELE Elementary Education (PK-6)
BSEDS Bachelor of Science in Education in Secondary Education AGIE Career and Technical Education – Agricultural Education
BSEDS Bachelor of Science in Education in Secondary Education CTED Career and Technical Education
BSEDS Bachelor of Science in Education in Secondary Education MTHE Mathematics Education
BSEDS Bachelor of Science in Education in Secondary Education TCHE Technology Education
BSEE Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering APEL Applied Electromagnetics
BSEE Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering CMNW Communications & Networking
BSEE Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering ECRA Controls, Robotics & Autonomy
BSEE Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering EE Electrical Engineering
BSEE Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering ERES Energy & Power Electronics Systems
BSEE Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering MNSY Micro/Nano Systems
BSEE Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering PHTN Photonics
BSEE Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering RFMW Radio Frequency & Microwave
BSEE Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering SPCS Space Systems
BSEE Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering WCSP Wireless Communications and Signal Processing
BSENS Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science ENSC Environmental Science
BSENS Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science ER Ecological Restoration
BSFRC Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation ECS Environmental Conservation & Society
BSFRC Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation EDS Environmental Data Science
BSFRC Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation ERM Environmental Resources Management
BSFRC Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation FORS Forestry
BSFRC Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation    
BSFWC Bachelor of Science in Fish and Wildlife Conservation FISC Fish Conservation
BSFWC Bachelor of Science in Fish and Wildlife Conservation WLC Wildlife Conservation
BSHD Bachelor of Science in Human Development CPED Childhood Pre-Education
BSHD Bachelor of Science in Human Development ECDE Early Childhood Development and Education
BSHD Bachelor of Science in Human Development HD Human Development
BSHNF Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise EAHS Exercise and Health Sciences
BSHNF Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise NAD Nutrition and Dietetics
BSHRT Bachelor of Science in Horticulture    
BSHRT Bachelor of Science in Horticulture    
BSIDS Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design IDS Industrial Design
BSISE Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering ISE Industrial and Systems Engineering
BSME Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering AUTE Automotive Engineering
BSME Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering
BSME Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering RBMT Robotics and Mechatronics
BSMIC Bachelor of Science in Microbiology MICB Microbiology
BSMNE Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering MINE Mining Engineering
BSMSE Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering MSE Materials Science and Engineering
BSNAN Bachelor of Science in Nanoscience NANO Nanoscience
BSNAN Bachelor of Science in Nanoscience NMED Nanomedicine
BSNEU Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience CBNU Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience
BSNEU Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience CNEU Clinical Neuroscience
BSNEU Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience CSNU Computational and Systems Neuroscience
BSNEU Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience EXPN Experimental Neuroscience
BSNEU Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience NEUR Neuroscience
BSPH Bachelor of Science in Public Health PH Public Health
BSPLS Bachelor of Science in Plant Science CSSC Crop and Soil Sciences
BSPLS Bachelor of Science in Plant Science EVHT Environmental Horticulture
BSPLS Bachelor of Science in Plant Science IAT Integrated Agriculture Technologies
BSPLS Bachelor of Science in Plant Science LTS Landscape Design and Turfgrass Science
BSPLS Bachelor of Science in Plant Science PLSC Plant Science
BSPSD Bachelor of Science in Packaging Systems and Design PSD Packaging Systems and Design
BSRST Bachelor of Science in Real Estate CDI Commercial Development and Investment
BSRST Bachelor of Science in Real Estate RDI Residential Development and Investment
BSRST Bachelor of Science in Real Estate REAL Real Estate
BSRST Bachelor of Science in Real Estate RELC Real Estate for Commercial Properties
BSRST Bachelor of Science in Real Estate RELR Real Estate for Residential Properties
BSSB Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Biomaterials SBIO Sustainable Biomaterials
BSSOC Bachelor of Science in Sociology CRI Criminology
BSSOC Bachelor of Science in Sociology SOC Sociology
BSSYS Bachelor of Science in Systems Biology SYSB Systems Biology
BSWTR Bachelor of Science in Water: Resources, Policy, and Management WRPM Water: Resources, Policy, and Management
CAGS Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies AAEC Agricultural and Applied Economics
CAGS Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies EDAC Adult and Continuing Education
CAGS Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies EDAD Educational Administration
CAGS Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies EDCI Curriculum and Instruction
CAGS Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies EDSP Student Personnel Services
CAGS Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies ELPS Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
CAGS Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies PAPA Public Administration/Public Affairs
CAGS Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies    
CAGS Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies    
DEDP Doctor of Environmental Design and Planning EDP Environmental Design and Planning
DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine VM Veterinary Medicine
EDD Doctor of Education EDAC Adult and Continuing Education
EDD Doctor of Education EDAD Educational Administration
EDD Doctor of Education EDCI Curriculum and Instruction
EDD Doctor of Education EDCO Counselor Education
EDD Doctor of Education EDSP Student Personnel Services
EDD Doctor of Education ELPS Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
EDD Doctor of Education    
EDD Doctor of Education    
EDS Education Specialist EDAD Educational Administration
EDS Education Specialist EDCI Curriculum and Instruction
EDS Education Specialist EDCO Counselor Education
EDS Education Specialist EDCT Career and Technical Education
EDS Education Specialist EDPE Health and Physical Education
EDS Education Specialist EDSP Student Personnel Services
EDS Education Specialist ELPS Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
EDS Education Specialist    
MA Master of Arts ART Art
MA Master of Arts ECAS Economics
MA Master of Arts ECON Economics
MA Master of Arts ENGL English
MA Master of Arts FLCL Foreign Languages, Cultures, and Literatures
MA Master of Arts HIST History
MA Master of Arts MCP Material Culture and Public Humanities
MA Master of Arts PHIL Philosophy
MA Master of Arts PSCI Political Science
MACIS Master of Accounting and Information Systems ACIS Accounting and Information Systems
MACOM Master of Arts in Communication COMN Communication
MACOM Master of Arts in Communication RPTM Reputation Management
MADAS Master of Arts in Data Analysis and Applied Statistics DAAS Data Analysis and Applied Statistics
MAED Master of Arts in Education EDAC Adult and Continuing Education
MAED Master of Arts in Education EDAD Educational Administration
MAED Master of Arts in Education EDCI Curriculum and Instruction
MAED Master of Arts in Education EDCO Counselor Education
MAED Master of Arts in Education EDCT Career and Technical Education
MAED Master of Arts in Education EDPE Health and Physical Education
MAED Master of Arts in Education EDSP Student Personnel Services
MAED Master of Arts in Education ELPS Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
MAED Master of Arts in Education HED Higher Education and Student Affairs
MARCH Master of Architecture ARCG Architecture
MBA Master of Business Administration BAD Business Administration
MEA Master of Engineering Administration ISE Industrial and Systems Engineering
MENG Master of Engineering AE Aerospace Engineering
MENG Master of Engineering BSE Biological Systems Engineering
MENG Master of Engineering CE Civil Engineering
MENG Master of Engineering CHE Chemical Engineering
MENG Master of Engineering CPE Computer Engineering
MENG Master of Engineering CSA Computer Science and Applications
MENG Master of Engineering EE Electrical Engineering
MENG Master of Engineering EM Engineering Mechanics
MENG Master of Engineering ENE Environmental Engineering
MENG Master of Engineering ISE Industrial and Systems Engineering
MENG Master of Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering
MENG Master of Engineering SYSE Systems Engineering
MF Master of Forestry FOR Forestry
MF Master of Forestry FPR Forest Products
MFA Master of Fine Arts CTEC Creative Technologies
MFA Master of Fine Arts ENCW Creative Writing
MFA Master of Fine Arts TA Theatre Arts
MIAE Master of Information Security Assurance IAE Information Security Assurance
MIT Master of Information Technology IT Information Technology
MLA Master of Landscape Architecture LAR Landscape Architecture
MNR Master of Natural Resources MNR Natural Resources
MPA Master of Public Administration PAPA Public Administration/Public Affairs
MPH Master of Public Health PH Public Health
MPIA Master of Public and International Affairs PIA Public and International Affairs
MPIA Master of Public and International Affairs URBA Urban Affairs
MS Master of Science AAEC Agricultural and Applied Economics
MS Master of Science AE Aerospace Engineering
MS Master of Science ALS Agricultural and Life Sciences
MS Master of Science APSC Animal and Poultry Sciences
MS Master of Science ARCG Architecture
MS Master of Science BAD Business Administration
MS Master of Science BCSM Building/Construction Science and Management
MS Master of Science BIOL Biological Sciences
MS Master of Science BMES Biomedical Engineering
MS Master of Science BMVS Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences
MS Master of Science BSE Biological Systems Engineering
MS Master of Science CE Civil Engineering
MS Master of Science CHE Chemical Engineering
MS Master of Science CHEM Chemistry
MS Master of Science CPE Computer Engineering
MS Master of Science CSA Computer Science and Applications
MS Master of Science CSES Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences
MS Master of Science EDCH Community Health Education
MS Master of Science EE Electrical Engineering
MS Master of Science EM Engineering Mechanics
MS Master of Science ENE Environmental Engineering
MS Master of Science ESEN Environmental Sciences and Engineering
MS Master of Science FIW Fisheries and Wildlife
MS Master of Science FOR Forestry
MS Master of Science FPR Forest Products
MS Master of Science GEOG Geography
MS Master of Science GEOP Geophysics
MS Master of Science GEOS Geosciences
MS Master of Science HD Human Development
MS Master of Science HNFE Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise
MS Master of Science HTM Hospitality and Tourism Management
MS Master of Science ISE Industrial and Systems Engineering
MS Master of Science MACR Macromolecular Science and Engineering
MS Master of Science MATH Mathematics
MS Master of Science ME Mechanical Engineering
MS Master of Science MINE Mining Engineering
MS Master of Science MSE Materials Science and Engineering
MS Master of Science OCE Ocean Engineering
MS Master of Science OE Ocean Engineering
MS Master of Science PHYS Physics
MS Master of Science PSYC Psychology
MS Master of Science SOC Sociology
MS Master of Science STAT Statistics
MS Master of Science STS Science and Technology Studies
MS Master of Science SYSE Systems Engineering
MS Master of Science TBMH Translational Biology, Medicine and Health
MSED Master of Science in Education EDAC Adult and Continuing Education
MSED Master of Science in Education EDCT Career and Technical Education
MSED Master of Science in Education EDPE Health and Physical Education
MSLFS Master of Science in Life Sciences AEE Agricultural and Extension Education
MSLFS Master of Science in Life Sciences BCHM Biochemistry
MSLFS Master of Science in Life Sciences DASC Dairy Science
MSLFS Master of Science in Life Sciences ENT Entomology
MSLFS Master of Science in Life Sciences FST Food Science and Technology
MSLFS Master of Science in Life Sciences HORT Horticulture
MSLFS Master of Science in Life Sciences PPWS Plant Pathology, Physiology and Weed Science
MSND Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics ND Nutrition and Dietetics
MURPL Master of Urban and Regional Planning URPL Urban and Regional Planning
PHD Doctor of Philosophy AAEC Agricultural and Applied Economics
PHD Doctor of Philosophy ADR Architecture and Design Research
PHD Doctor of Philosophy AE Aerospace Engineering
PHD Doctor of Philosophy ANSD Animal Sciences, Dairy
PHD Doctor of Philosophy ANSP Animal Sciences, Poultry
PHD Doctor of Philosophy APSC Animal and Poultry Sciences
PHD Doctor of Philosophy ASPT Social, Political, Ethical, and Cultural Thought
PHD Doctor of Philosophy BBIT Business, Business Information Technology
PHD Doctor of Philosophy BCHM Biochemistry
PHD Doctor of Philosophy BFIN Business, Finance
PHD Doctor of Philosophy BHTM Business, Hospitality and Tourism Management
PHD Doctor of Philosophy BIOL Biological Sciences
PHD Doctor of Philosophy BMES Biomedical Engineering
PHD Doctor of Philosophy BMGT Business, Management
PHD Doctor of Philosophy BMKT Business, Marketing
PHD Doctor of Philosophy BMVS Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences
PHD Doctor of Philosophy BSE Biological Systems Engineering
PHD Doctor of Philosophy BXBR Business, Executive Business Research
PHD Doctor of Philosophy CE Civil Engineering
PHD Doctor of Philosophy CHE Chemical Engineering
PHD Doctor of Philosophy CHEM Chemistry
PHD Doctor of Philosophy CPE Computer Engineering
PHD Doctor of Philosophy CSA Computer Science and Applications
PHD Doctor of Philosophy CSES Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences
PHD Doctor of Philosophy DASC Dairy Science
PHD Doctor of Philosophy ECON Economics
PHD Doctor of Philosophy ECSG Economics, Science
PHD Doctor of Philosophy EDAC Adult and Continuing Education
PHD Doctor of Philosophy EDAD Educational Administration
PHD Doctor of Philosophy EDCI Curriculum and Instruction
PHD Doctor of Philosophy EDCO Counselor Education
PHD Doctor of Philosophy EDP Environmental Design and Planning
PHD Doctor of Philosophy EDRE Educational Research and Evaluation
PHD Doctor of Philosophy EDSP Student Personnel Services
PHD Doctor of Philosophy EE Electrical Engineering
PHD Doctor of Philosophy ELPS Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
PHD Doctor of Philosophy EM Engineering Mechanics
PHD Doctor of Philosophy ENGE Engineering Education
PHD Doctor of Philosophy ENT Entomology
PHD Doctor of Philosophy ESEN Environmental Sciences and Engineering
PHD Doctor of Philosophy FIW Fisheries and Wildlife
PHD Doctor of Philosophy FOR Forestry
PHD Doctor of Philosophy FPR Forest Products
PHD Doctor of Philosophy GAEA Geospatial and Environmental Analysis
PHD Doctor of Philosophy GBUA Business, Accounting and Information Systems
PHD Doctor of Philosophy GEOP Geophysics
PHD Doctor of Philosophy GEOS Geosciences
PHD Doctor of Philosophy HD Human Development
PHD Doctor of Philosophy HGED Higher Education
PHD Doctor of Philosophy HNFE Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise
PHD Doctor of Philosophy HORT Horticulture
PHD Doctor of Philosophy HTM Hospitality and Tourism Management
PHD Doctor of Philosophy IPHD Individual Interdisciplinary PhD
PHD Doctor of Philosophy ISE Industrial and Systems Engineering
PHD Doctor of Philosophy LSAE Agricultural and Extension Education
PHD Doctor of Philosophy MACR Macromolecular Science and Engineering
PHD Doctor of Philosophy MATH Mathematics
PHD Doctor of Philosophy ME Mechanical Engineering
PHD Doctor of Philosophy MECE Materials Engineering Science, Chemical Engineering
PHD Doctor of Philosophy MECH Materials Engineering Science, Chemistry
PHD Doctor of Philosophy MECS Materials Engineering Science, Computer Science
PHD Doctor of Philosophy MEEE Materials Engineering Science, Electrical Engieering
PHD Doctor of Philosophy MEFP Materials Engineering Science, Forest Products
PHD Doctor of Philosophy MEFR Materials Engineering Science, Forestry
PHD Doctor of Philosophy MEGS Materials Engineering Sciences, Geological Sciences
PHD Doctor of Philosophy MEME Materials Engineering Science, Mechanical Engineering
PHD Doctor of Philosophy MEMI Materials Engineering Science, Mining Engineering
PHD Doctor of Philosophy MEMS Materials Engineering Science, Materials Science and Engineering
PHD Doctor of Philosophy MESC Materials Engineering Science
PHD Doctor of Philosophy MINE Mining Engineering
PHD Doctor of Philosophy NEUR Neuroscience
PHD Doctor of Philosophy PAPA Public Administration/Public Affairs
PHD Doctor of Philosophy PGG Planning, Governance, and Globalization
PHD Doctor of Philosophy PHYS Physics
PHD Doctor of Philosophy PPWS Plant Pathology, Physiology and Weed Science
PHD Doctor of Philosophy PSYC Psychology
PHD Doctor of Philosophy RW Rhetoric and Writing
PHD Doctor of Philosophy SOC Sociology
PHD Doctor of Philosophy STAT Statistics
PHD Doctor of Philosophy STS Science and Technology Studies
PHD Doctor of Philosophy TBMH Translational Biology, Medicine and Health